I worked on my program that I will give Monday night at the guild meeting in my town. It is called "Working in a Series". This is about half of the quilts and quilt tops that will go with me. If you ever question the price someone is paid to do a program consider the 3-5 days of preparation that the presenter goes through. I happen to like to choose quilts, revisit them as I stack them, but it is work. Then there is all of the putting away when I get home. It does help to air the quilts and rotate their resting spots, something I might not do if I didn't have a reason.
I dug up and split 2 more hostas. We are supposed to get some rain so I'm hoping the mother plants that were put back in the ground will settle in nicely. I have over 30 in pots now ready to share with family members.
I have stopped looking for the missing clear plastic foot and ordered a new one. I was happy to find that they are still being made since I thought it was a limited edition foot. I checked the top of the fan, the top of the 7 foot bookcases and used a flashlight to check behind the bookcases. No foot. I have covered the entire room now so it will show up some day in some obscure spot.