Crooked Cobblestones 10

I needed to find a binding for this cobblestone quilt and I decided to go a little darker than I had on previous ones.  I'm hoping by doing a variety of binding colors/values that I will be able to determine what really worked best with all of the multicolor.  I still have #6 to quilt and then the whole series will be done and ready to travel to NC.  This one is 12" x 18" so it is the smallest of them all.
It is time to start sewing the colorwash that I made this week.  I start by sewing vertical rows 1 and 2 together.  Batiks are easy to fingernail press so before I add row 3 on, I press the seams on the odd rows to the left and even rows to the right, about 3-4 rows at a time.
I am using my new clear plastic 1/4" foot and sewing slow so I can keep every seam straight.
I brought several more rows to the machine so I can sew for quite awhile before having to collect the rest of the rows.  I will continue to add one vertical row at a time, pressing seams with my fingernail as I go.  I will not have to use an iron before sewing the cross rows.  Fingernail pressing is sufficient on batiks.
My one lonely columbine plant with blue flowers is in full bloom now.  They re-seed themselves but the new plants are always near a rock or a sidewalk.  I guess that is because the seeds are more protected there.  I will be watching to see if I can find some new plants this year.
I have only seen one plant with the pale pink flowers too.  My medium pink plant didn't come up last year so all the rest of mine are a deep rose, seeds that I got from my sister-in-law.  I have about 6 of those growing in various places, one in the crack of the sidewalk.