A good day of quilting.......

They say the way you start a new year will set a trend for the way you will spend that year.  I started a new year yesterday.  It was my birthday so I spent the first day of the next (new) year of my life quilting, as in finishing some projects.  I will show each of them after the binding is on.  I have shown them before so they aren't new tops.  This one was about 48" square and I started with it.  I haven't decided what binding to use on this one yet.
This one was next and I think it is about 34" square.  I cut the binding from the leftover backing strips and I'll finish the binding by machine.  I'm considering all three of these quilts to be baby quilts.
I haven't quilted for awhile so I thought 3 styles of quilting would loosen me up and remind me what I'm doing.  The spirals on this one got pretty funky by the time I finished it.  I also cut the binding for this one from the leftover backing fabric.  I think this one was about 32" x 40" so it is a small baby quilt.  I thought I would have time to load one more quilt on the frame but I either hadn't sewn the backing seam or didn't have batting cut for the next few choices.  I did get the backing for one of the crosses quilts sewn.  Now I have to decide if I'm going to meander on it or do ditch quilting that outlines the crosses.