Playing in the Kaffe scrap bin............

It was errand day yesterday so I wasn't home very much.  Last night I had to fondle some fabric so I started digging through the bin of Kaffe scraps for more journal cover ideas.

I know this looks like a black and white photo, but this is color, the color outside my kitchen window at night.  The bunny sets off the motion detector light and I set my camera for night photos.  I haven't wanted to walk through the snow to the backyard feeders so I have been throwing bird seed out the kitchen window.  In the daytime the squirrels and birds eat it and at night the bunnies come and clean up whatever is left.

My orange Christmas cactus has started to bloom.  It only has 5 buds but I'm happy to finally have one bloom for Christmas.

Don't forget to visit Stash Manicure today for my guest appearance.