More snow..........

I'm still playing with the journal covers.  I have to make a big batch at once because I have so much stuff out to do them.  I rarely ever just do one.  Then when I'm tired of making them I can put all of it away and have my worktable back.  These 2 are pieced and have the fusible fleece pressed in place.  I haven't chosen the linings for them yet.  I went to the computer club Christmas party last night so my hours were cut short.

They said we would have flurries ending in the afternoon yesterday.  Instead we had flurries all day into the evening.  The streets had been cleared of the couple inches we got Wed. night and now the streets are covered again.  I don't mind snow on the grass but I don't like slippery streets.  I guess I'm getting old and cranky!

Here is another bunny from a couple nights ago.  I think they are so cute.  On the other hand, I hope they don't multiply too fast because they can be pests in the summer time.