The day started out great......

Yesterday morning my sister in law stopped by and we exchanged gifts and chatted awhile.  After lunch I sewed the binding on this Christmas quilt and washed and dried it.

This is its official portrait for my folder that contains photos of all of the quilts that I have quilted on my longarm machine.

I may have to go back with my regular sewing machine and tack down the embroideries in a few places because they are pouching out.

At 4 I went to Dad's to check on him and his wrist was extremely painful so I gave him 2 Tylenol and turned on the TV to distract him.  At 5:30 when my brother and I got there with pizza, he was still complaining that his wrist was painful.  He wanted to go to the ER.  I don't think he fell and it is probably arthritis but I couldn't take any chances.  We quickly ate and then took him to the ER.  2 hours later he left with his arm in a sling and a temporary cast and totally unable to hold onto his walker which he needs because he is so unsteady. He also needed ice packs all night.  An hour later we checked him into the nursing home next door to his apt. for a few days.  I got home after 9, exhausted.  I'll find out the results of the X-rays this morning.

Added noon today: no broken bones.  He will stay at the nursing home for at least 2 days until he is steady with his walker again.