Almost there, 6 more seams and a few repairs..........

I finished adding all of the rows in the one direction and now have 5 cross rows sewn, 6 to go. I pinned it up on the design wall so I could get a better look at the points where they need to match.

I have a few mismatches like this one that I will pick out and try again.  Every other seam is points matching, the one between is the center of the squares on point.  I really thought I would finish this yesterday, but I was pretty worn out. 

Dad fell yesterday morning while picking up the phone when I called to tell him I was on my way to pick him up for a blood test.  He is OK.  Last night when I went back over I moved his phone to the nearest corner of the desk as he approaches it.  He always had it on the far corner and when he put a hand on the rolling chair and reached for the phone he fell.  He kept looking at the spot I had moved it to and couldn't figure out how he was going to answer it when it wasn't on the other corner.  His logic is gone, but he's in no worse shape than most of the other residents of his building.  When I go back today to take him to the Dr. office I bet he will have the phone moved back in the unreachable spot.

A few more buds have opened on the peony bush.  It is a deeper burgandy red than this but it never photographs that way.