New fabric and A stroll around the yard

I went to a meeting yesterday that was held in a fabric store.  I couldn't come home empty handed could I?  I love the big floral print.  The flowers are lacy and almost a patchwork of textures and colors.  The purple batik at the bottom was in the sale rack for $3.99 a yard so I bought all 2 - 2/3 yards.

This is my early peony, the one that always blooms first.  the leaves are red when it first comes up but they change to mostly green later.  The next picture is taken from the top looking down into the plant.

I haven't raked any leaves in the peony bed.  I may just leave them this year and let them turn to mulch.  I know, that sounds lazy.  I'm not in the mood for outside work yet.

The Brunnera is blooming.  It is amazing to me that most of the blue flowers bloom early in the spring and then there aren't many more blue ones all summer.

The tulips are finally blooming.

I took this picture so I can remember what the center of a tulip looks like.  I have a few assorted tulips along the side of the house, ones that didn't get chopped into when I was digging to plant other things.  There is a red one, a purple one, and a couple buds that I think will be a deep pink.  The squirrels dug up all of the rest of the bulbs.  I'll have more garden walk later.  I have been taking pictures of the hostas as they uncurl.