Girlfriend day

Yesterday was a girlfriend day, morning fun and lunch.  In the middle of the afternoon I moved Dad back to his apartment and then went home to do his laundry.  My brother and I went back over in the evening to see how he was doing and he has mild confusion right now.

While the clothes were in the dryer I started looking for a particular fabric and I ran across my pile of Dutch Wax batiks.  I don't think the blue and white ones are available any more.
When I first found them back in the mid 1990's they were over $20 a yard.  I don't think I ever got them for less than $15 a yard.  That makes them too precious to cut into, right?  I still haven't figured out what to make with them because there aren't any dark prints so there wouldn't be any contrast in the quilt.  I guess I'll start searching through my fabrics to see if I can't find some companions for them.

I'm teaching a finishing class today.  I can't wait to see what they bring to class to finish (or start).