Student's work at finishing class

Student S-1 (2 students with the same name) has been working on her Strips that Sizzle blocks for awhile and was finally at the layout stage.  The quilt is for her daughter and there were 2 layouts she liked so we combined them.  After I took this picture she sewed the 2 side panels together and we flipped them so the light block in the middle of the outside row is touching the center star block, and we liked that better.  I didn't think to take a picture of it. She will be making more rows of the light squares/dark squares to go above and below this center panel for a queen size quilt.

Student S-2 emailed me to see if I was going to be doing a strip pieced Kaleidoscope class in the near future.  I told her I wasn't but suggested I help her start one at my finishing class.  We emailed back and forth for about a month with her sending me pictures of fabric choices from her iphone.  Once we decided the fabrics were right, I sent her cutting and strata sewing directions and she came to class ready to cut wedges and create blocks.  It was a great class and the other 3 students made progress too.

Dad had a set back yesterday and had to have a scope down his esophagus last night.  He has been off oxygen since Wed. but his cough was worse again yesterday morning.  He has congestive heart failure like so many people over 90 do.  I hope today is a better day for him.