No Sewing here

I haven't turned on the sewing machine for 3 days, no rotary cutting either. I signed up to take cookies to the computer club Christmas party so I've been in the kitchen. These are the rejects (below) that the cookie press didn't spit out nicely. Yum, I get to eat these, my favorite cookies!
Now for the winners for the day 2 giveaway.
Charm Squares: The pictured pack will be mailed to Gene right away, the other 4 will be mailed later, probably right after Christmas.
Gene Black an Alabama artist
Debbie at Fiberwork by Debbie
Cathy at My Love of Quilting
at Gracie Oliver Arts

Floral crooked strips:
Sarah Vee at Sew Joy
Christmas strips:
Julie in WA
Country strips:
Jackie L
You all need to email me your mailing addresses and I'll get the things in the mail right away.