Icy day, good day to sew

This is what the tree near the front of my house looked like last night. The freezing rain started in the morning. I think it might have been just rain for part of the day and then back to freezing rain again at night. I went to the post office in the morning and was just happy to get back home and stay in all day.I finally got in gear and got gifts wrapped, and some mailed. Then I quilted my summer quilt, just meandering again, my favorite all over pattern. I was going to quilt some hearts in it too but I got going and forgot all about them.
I used this Kaffe fabric on the back. It was a good buy a couple years ago when one of the online stores was closing out all of the older prints.
My brother and I decided it was too icy to go out to get a meal to take to our dad's apartment last night so I hope we can go tonight. We're supposed to get a lot of rain today and temps near 38.