A quilting day!

I spent most of the day sewing! My reward for cleaning the house earlier in the week. I showed this table runner top a few weeks ago but never got around to quilting it. I did parallel lines about 3/8" apart crosswise on it.Here is a closer view. The lines are not "perfect" because I am not a perfect person. I like things with their subtle imperfections that look they have been made by a human being. Actually I like wonky even better than that. It took and hour and 5 minutes to do the lines in one direction. Now I think I would like it to be crosshatched so I image I have at least another hour of quilting to go.
Earlier in the day I was sewing my H quilt together and I found this piece of fabric (on the left) wrong side up. I finished sewing all of the other rows together and then came back and picked out that piece and sewed it back in right side up.
I promise this is the last picture of "H- I give it 5 Stars". This is the top all sewn together. I did interchange 2 blocks this morning when I looked at and then said "Enough! Sew it".
I sewed a few rows on another quilt too so I feel like I have accomplished a lot. Now I have to start cleaning the basement for my art quilters' group that is coming on Monday.
It was great to have leftovers to reheat. I don't usually take time to cook myself a good meal in the middle of the day. My mother never liked to eat the same thing twice in one week. I on the other hand, will eat the same thing several days in a row, especially when I can just reheat it and be back to the sewing machine quickly.