More playing with circles

This piece is nowhere near as successful as the one yesterday. Here it is before I added the black fabric. It is pretty monotone.
This is the fabric I started with. I am going to remove a couple of the fabrics and rearrange some of the blocks. It just isn't working for me. I put the pink bandana hand dyed in some of the corners and I don't like it in there.

I'm moving on to the next project too. I will be teaching Strips That Sizzle the next 2 Tuesdays.
I want to recreate the purple and yellow one that I made that is in the book by Margaret J. Miller. I guess the second printing is out of print now too and now they have a DVD instead. Here is the post where I showed the 2 quilts of mine that were in the book. Scroll down to the second one. I sold this quilt and wish I hadn't so I'm going to make one that I hope I like even better.