No sewing yesterday..........
I had to do all of the finish up cleaning and bake the 2 batches of cookies for my art quilters who are coming today. Here is the last pot that I planted on Saturday. It sits in front of my garage between the 2 doors.
My hydrangea bush is loaded with flower buds. I have a new little bush in the back that has had a hard time getting started and this year it is going to bloom too.
The evening primroses are starting to bloom in about 4 different places. I have a few of them in several flowerbeds. I will have to thin some of them out after they bloom because they will take over the whole space if I let them.
My brother and I took Dad out to eat last night. He seems to be doing very well so far. I didn't call him on Friday or Saturday because I want him to be independent. He got a new watch that we had ordered from a catalog and was showing me how it will say the time out loud to him. It also has a couple other features that he is having fun playing with.