Spring, inside and out

This may not look any different than yesterday's picture but it is all sewn and on the pile for my program Monday night. The program is titled "It's all about fabric choices, or what flavor is your quilt?". I will be showing the same pattern made in several different fabric groups to show how different they look. I have 13 different patterns (or block designs) and 41 quilts to show. Outside, the forsythia is just starting to drop flowers and leaves are sprouting. I showed this when it was first blooming on Mar. 29th with snow on it. I think the cooler weather helped the flowers to last longer this year.
This close up shot is a new little shoot of gold mound spirea growing amongst the periwinkle vinca.
In the back yard the pulmonaria is blooming. It is a lonely little plant with lots of bare dirt around it right now. This is one of the early peonies. It is one of the few that have bright colored stems. I didn't cut down last year's stalks so they are still hanging on. I have only done a little clean up in the flower beds so far. We have one more warm day promised before the rain and a 20 degree drop in temperature.