Final layout

I found a fabric I liked for the top and bottom setting triangles and corners. This is just blocks on the design wall in this picture but I have it about half sewn together. I had a computer club meeting to attend last night so I didn't get as much done as I wanted to. I did a little rearranging of the blocks and decided the light half block in the middle on the right didn't look so bad after I had the other half blocks in there. This is so much prettier in person than it is in pictures.

It is supposed to be in the 70's today. I may have to spend some time outside checking all of my perennials. Spring is finally here!

Someone emailed me and asked where the Cobblestones pattern was available. Cobblestones is my own original design, named by me (with help from a reader). All it is comprised of is a shape created in many colors which is then placed on a design wall and moved around until the values and colors are pleasing. It could be done with diamond shapes, squares, etc. This is not a pattern where you pick up color A and surround it with color B, C, D, and E. This is designed piece by piece and comes from the heart and soul. I have played with arranging colors since I was a small child and this is just an extension of that play.