Not so great quilting

This is the one I am quilting that I am not too happy about. It is my own fault so I can't complain too loud. I decided to ditch quilt in the seams first and then follow the seams in the blocks as a kind of grid quilting. I didn't mark the lines in the squares between, just eyeballed them, and you guessed it, they are pretty crooked in several places. I still have 6 more lines to quilt. This is one of those cases of whether you add more to camouflage it or just leave it. I thought about putting in wavy lines between all of the straight lines so you wouldn't zero in on the crookedness but just see an all over pattern.
I was emailing a friend yesterday and we were talking about those of us who do lots of different kinds of quilting, some traditional, some arty, some just fun stuff. I know some of you probably make just one kind of quilts and I'm wondering what some of you call yourself when you introduce yourself to another quilter. I just decided I'm eclectic, as in eclectic decorating; a mix of many styles that all complement each other. How do you describe yourself?