Nature walk.
I took this picture from the kitchen window. The ring neck doves have been here for over a week. Last year they didn't come until May 4th. They are so hard to get a decent picture of because their heads are bobbing up and down eating most of the time.
This is the biggest rabbit I have ever seen in my yard. I think he must be the daddy. Usually the rabbits come after dark to clean up under the bird feeders.
This is our state flower even though a lot of people try to convince me they are weeds.
While it rained heavily in the afternoon I went down to the basement and cut batting for all of these small quilts. I was able to use a bunch of odd shaped pieces of batting and didn't need to cut any out of a new batt.
The brunnera is still blooming.
My other violets.
When I was a child we would go down to the creek and pick violets and buttercups. They are still 2 of my favorite flowers.
My limey green hosta, just coming up.
This clump of hosta will be divided this year. I divided the other 2 clumps near it last year.
I took my winter coat down to the laundry yesterday. I am declaring the end of winter even though we are supposed to go down to 39 degrees tonight.........and back up to 79 degrees tomorrow.