Spiral crazy

I had done the ditch quilting on this baby quilt more than a month ago so I did some free motion spirals on it yesterday. After awhile some of the spirals got jerky and I have to say I have more than one squarish spiral in there. I had to keep reminding myself that I was steering with my left hand (the one with the glove on it) and not let my right hand take over. I don't like to wear gloves but I can tolerate one.I didn't try to stay with any one size or number of rounds.
The reason I quilted this one like this is because I want to see how it looks after it is washed. I know I like meandering because it is an even pattern but I wanted to see if spirals look bumpy and lumpy. I'll trim it and bind it by machine today and then throw it in with a load of laundry.
The snow is almost gone and it will get up to 50 degrees today. That is the nice part of spring snow storms.