I'm still working on more of the paper pieced triangles. Yes I decided to make 2 bags, one with lefts and the other with rights. Today I'm going to show you the 2 crazy pieced batik bags. The first 2 pictures are the one I made last week.
And the next 2 pictures are the one I completed yesterday.

I sold the first 4 that I made so now I need to make some more for gifts.
We got our first snow that was deep enough to have my driveway plowed. It started out as freezing rain and quickly went into snow. The end of it is so light and fluffy, as it got colder. We had a 20 degree temperature drop in 12 hours. Tonight I have to take my parents out to my mother's chiropractor visit (once a week, every week) and last year on a snowy day the snow was cleared from the parking lot and there was a pile right at the base of the handicap ramp. I hope I don't find that again. I think the snow removal person should walk with a cane and try to get through that.