I liked it so well.......

that I thought I would make another one (the dotted bag I showed yesterday). In the box with the rest of the dotted scraps were the printed paper piecing patterns. So I just started piecing some more blocks, and then I decided to lay the new and old together to see how the colors were working.
That is when I discovered I had printed papers for rights AND lefts, and of course the ones I pieced were the opposite of the ones that were already done.

Which means that if I want to use them, I will have 2 lights coming together at the center making one large triangle.
Of course I could keep piecing and make 8 of each right and left and then I could make 2 more bags.
My art quilters made it yesterday. Last year in Dec. we cancelled the first date, moved it to the next Monday and that week was bad too so we cancelled again and didn't meet until Jan. I hope the weather cooperates this year in January.