A walk through the yard

The lilac bush leaves turned a beautiful rusty burgundy and gold this year. Even the plants in the one flower garden had great contrast in color.

The burning bush finally changed color. A lot of others in town had turned and then dropped their leaves before mine got a good start. I guess there must be a lot of varieties of them.
Actually this is 2 burning bushes planted fairly close to each other.
I am a slow hand sewer so I only got one side of the binding all done and about 1/4 of the way into the next side while I watched TV last night. I am happy with my binding choice. I was asked whether I have a favorite variegated machine quilting thread, and I would have to say no at this point. I have several different brands but I am usually going for the best color match, whichever brand it happens to be.

Machine quilting is not an easy task. I have had people tell me I took the easy way out machine quilting. I remind them that it is faster than hand quilting, but not necessarily easier. I have to pace myself and do no more than 4 hours of it a day, spread out into several sessions. It is hard on the shoulders even if I am sitting very close to the cabinet. The arthritis in my thumbs starts bothering me too if I spend too much time at it. You have to be dedicated to finishing your projects to put up with the discomforts. And then there are the expectations of what the quilting should look like, how big the stitches should be, etc. When you get past all of that, you just do it, and learn to accept your capabilities and always try to be better on the next one.