Another finish

I finished the binding on this zig zag version of Strips that Sizzle. I showed the top a long time ago, showed it on the basting table in late August and now the quilting and binding are done. This one is 52.5" x 74", a good couch (sofa? davenport?) quilt. I feel like I quilted this one to death. I usually depend on a lot of ditch quilting and a little free motion. On this one I only ditch quilted the border seam and along the zig zag colors and all the rest is free motion.
I have seen a lot of vivid blue skies in pictures on other blogs and yesterday we finally had that terrific blue. I took my camera along on my walk to the post office and took these on the way home.

I live in a small rural town with no curbs on the side streets, just on the main streets. We have a lot of poles and wires, and trees trimmed to go around the wires. I have been in this town 49 years and in the same house 36 years. My parents who only moved here 10 years ago are amazed at how many people know me and speak to me when we are out eating or shopping. Living in a small town is nice. It is the big city to me since I grew up on a farm.
We are on the very edge of the building boom from a few years ago. All of the towns east of us (toward Chicago) have grown considerably and we have stayed pretty much the same. Several subdivisions proposed their plans just before the bottom fell out so I'm sure we will have change. Like they say, the one thing you can count on is change.