Sewing again

I haven't been able to decide what to work on so I did a bunch of little strippy pieces last night. I used only the littlest scraps in my scrap bins, and all batiks.
Here are the bee photos I promised yesterday.
Don't you love that haircut?
I think he is drinking nectar too.
I got really close to this butterfly and it looks like he has a hairy body.
I know my perennials pretty well but I don't know the name of the weeds. What is this one called?
I have been hearing a lot of Crash, Thump, Crash in the back yard this past week. The walnuts from my neighbor's trees are dropping in my garden. I'm used to the noise after all of these years.

I saw the first fuzzy caterpillar in a parking lot yesterday. We used to predict how soon winter was coming by the timing of the caterpillars crossing the road. I forget now how that worked.