Good digging.

After getting about 4" of rain in a week, the ground was easy to dig in. I cleaned out a bunch of invasive plants in one flower bed and used a plant killer on the ones that were too close to the ones I wanted to keep. While out there I noticed the bees and butterflies were on my sedum flowers. I got my camera and got this close up of a painted lady butterfly. The thing that I thought was a beak is pointed up in the air and the probiscus (thanks Diane) is way below that. Now is the beak thing part of the mouth or is it more like antennae?There were yellow butterflies out there too, and the flowers have opened up and are very pink. The butterfly on the left is drinking nectar. I hope it shows when you click on the picture for a closer view.
There were lots of bees out there too. I will have their pictures ready to show tomorrow.
I got one more embroidery done for the quilt that will be made "someday".
I showed these blocks quite awhile ago and finally got around to trimming them.
The bunny (in yesterday's post) didn't give me any clues. Maybe when he hopped away he was saying follow me and I'll tell you. I guess I'll have to figure it out for myself.