Am I the same person who was complaining about the hottest day of the summer (last week)? It was in the low 50's this morning. It might have been colder overnight but I don't check until around 7 a.m. Really I am happy for the cooler weather for the fair. We had very poor attendance at the fair the first 2 days (because of rain) but there were 37,000 people buying tickets to get in yesterday. I was out there at 9 a.m. yesterday and it wasn't crowded yet so I was able to get pictures. Here are a few of the quilt entries. Click for a larger view. And a few more..... I'll post more tomorrow.
This is the youth division, 18 and younger. It looks like there is a trend back toward sewing and crafting for the younger generation again.
This is the youth division art entries.
And what would the fair be without the floral competition? Because it is cool the flowers are still pretty on the third day.
I was at the store in the afternoon finally getting started on that tote/purse. This is one of the new machines with the larger opening for quilters.
Look at the size of that foot control.
It's a 2 footer. It really helps your knees and hip joints to have both feet at the same level and "driving" with both feet on the foot control.
Did you ever wonder who makes all of the samples for the sewing machine stores? I did most of them for this store when I worked there and I still occasionally make things for them. The lady who took my place does the embroideries now and then I make them into little display items.
This redwork piece is one I made while I was still working there. (If any new readers are confused, I retired Dec. 31, 2005. I just fill in on emergency now).
I will be at the store again today and the fair tomorrow. My hip joints are screaming so I hope I make it through Sun. evening.