Staring at the wall

When I got my first sewing machine in a cabinet in 1959 I promptly placed it against a wall so while I was sewing I was also staring at the wall. For many years after because of space restrictions it continued to face a wall. In the 1980's I finally had a space of my own and my sewing machine cabinet is placed so I have my back to the wall and I am looking out into the room. I have never gone back to facing a wall. It feels like I am joining the activity in the house this way instead of turning my back to it. I think there is a Feng Shui thing about not having your back to the doorway of a room. I never liked anybody sneaking up on me and scaring me either. If you want to see my set up click on STUDIO on the LABELS list on the right side of my blog.

And now you can see why I am not cutting anything currently. This is the mess on top of the cutting table. There are all the left over pieces from several of the last projects, a plastic bin on its side with pieces and parts of experiments, a pile of crazy pieced blocks, and a multitude of other things.
We had some nice rain yesterday, and maybe during the night. This is what I saw when I looked outside this morning. There are rain drops hanging from all of the leaves and blossoms. Click for a closer view.
More blossoms, more raindrops.
Today I must finish cleaning for my art quilters group tomorrow and bake 2 batches of cookies. It is still really humid out even though it isn't real hot yet. I had a good visit with some of my cousins at the funeral and lunch yesterday. It is good to connect with the family. Thanks for all of your condolences.