More garden

I am cleaning the basement for my art quilters group for Monday so I did sew 2 more blocks but will not play any more with the design until after Monday. My cousin rolled his big diesel pickup earlier this week and passed away from injuries. Yesterday was visitation, today is the funeral. I did get outside to take some pictures yesterday though.

I think this one has a Siamese twin/quintuplet thing going on with its flower stem. I thought this one should have multiple flower stems that would shoot up in several places, but these seem to have bonded.
Maybe this one always blooms like this and I never noticed it before. Close up below.
This is one of the ditch lilies in the back corner. There aren't many plants with buds on them yet.
And here is the regal beauty that blooms in the front garden. There are a ton of buds so I'll show a mass view in a couple days.
One of my friends commented on the variety of flowers and plants I have. I have mentioned before that I didn't even get into perennial gardening until 14 years ago. Once I was introduced to a few plants I started shopping for my new flower bed. I bought one of each of about 20 different plants each year. I figured out which ones grew at my house and which ones I wanted to dig out and get rid of. I learned most of the plant names by looking at the variety at the greenhouses every year. I won't pretend to know everything about plants but I sure know more than I did 14 years ago.