The binding has to be the part I like the least in quiltmaking but when I put in that last stitch, oh, the satisfaction of having another quilt finished. Here is the front........ and the pieced back. I cut the beach ball fabric on the lengthwise grain for borders so I wouldn't have to piece them and then I didn't have enough for the backing. The bead fabric in the center is harder to use in a design so it is great for backing.
On the nature front, my coreopsis are starting to bloom. I couldn't decide if I liked them better against these purple coral bell leaves
or against the pretty hosta. The coreopsis reseeded all over the flower bed so I will have another mass of yellow when the primroses are done.
I sent my package to Clare in France for the leukemia quilts yesterday. I found some pinwheels left over from a quilt I made 18 years ago for my grandson. I also sent her some larger pieces of the older red calicoes that I knew I wouldn't be needing so she can use them for sashing and backings.
On the nature front, my coreopsis are starting to bloom. I couldn't decide if I liked them better against these purple coral bell leaves
or against the pretty hosta. The coreopsis reseeded all over the flower bed so I will have another mass of yellow when the primroses are done.
I sent my package to Clare in France for the leukemia quilts yesterday. I found some pinwheels left over from a quilt I made 18 years ago for my grandson. I also sent her some larger pieces of the older red calicoes that I knew I wouldn't be needing so she can use them for sashing and backings.
After reading the comments yesterday on my slump and many finished UFO's, I came to the conclusion that Elsie's and Kim's really related to me. Elsie said a teacher had given her permission to have attention deficit and to let it work for her. Now I need permission from all of you. Please!
Kim's comment about making a list to be able to check when she can't decide what to do made sense. When I am acting in a state of indecision, I rarely remember which projects I could actually pick up and work on. As far as putting the list on my blog, I think I will just hang it on my bulletin board in my studio.
Thank you all of you commenters for helping me to think through this slump/indecision time.