Some progress

I had 26 blocks done by bedtime last night from the fabrics I showed yesterday (plus a few more). They are really easy construction, and again it is the fabric that makes it interesting. I have enough strips sewn for 4 patches to make another 26 blocks. The bottom right block is the wrong color way but I didn't want to go down to take another picture. The light chains angle to the right and the dark chains angle to the left. I can see I will have to check and double check when I get to the final layout. Here is the inspiration quilt in an old magazine. They used "almost solid" type fabrics where I used a lot of prints.
I have my Blogger account set to send me an email when someone leaves me a comment. Yesterday 4 of the comments weren't sent to me. Also I have tried to leave comments on some blogs and they don't go through. I got an email from someone who tried to leave me a comment and it didn't get through. This is kind of like the letter that slides into an unknown region at the post office and the letter never gets to its destination. It is frustrating.

I usually try to respond to the commenters that don't come through as "no reply". (For my friends who read my blog and aren't bloggers, this means you who leave comments as anonymous and those who are bloggers but don't have their email address on their profile. You are "no reply" commenters. If I don't know you personally I cannot respond to your comment. ) I like to reply to thank the commenter for taking the time to say something to me or to answer a question they might have had.

I see some blogs have comment moderation set so that they can screen the comments before they show them on their post. At first I thought that was very controlling of the person and that maybe they only wanted to show the positive comments. THEN I got a couple of those comments that we want to screen out. Luckily I was notified of the receipt of them in my email box so I could go in and delete them before anyone else saw them. Isn't it a shame that our simple, uplifting, happy blogs have to be poisoned by a few inconsiderate people?