Mr. and Mrs. Goldfinch

I think the Goldfinches really want me to know they are still around. This guy landed on the bush outside my window but by the time I got my camera, he was over on the tree. He posed for me though. And then he decided it was lunch time.
Mrs. Goldfinch landed on the crossbar of my window but the picture didn't turn out good. Here she is eating some of the little pieces on the forsythia bush.
I have to start a new project. Here are about half of the fabrics that I am going to use. I'm using a simple pattern from an old quilt magazine, plain square and 4 patches that make a chain block. I'll show some progress tomorrow. So far I have just cut some strips and the larger squares.
I finished planting the rest of the perennials and some of the annuals yesterday. It is supposed to rain tonight so I need to finish planting the annuals today.