
You will have to click on this picture and enlarge it to see the friends in the foreground. There is a squirrel, a cardinal and 4 starlings all eating together. The squirrels usually chase the birds away and the starlings aren't usually that friendly with other birds. They are eating the residue that fell from the bird feeder cage above them. With the sun pouring through the trees it was a wonderful scene. We finally have spring here. It was in the high 60's and calm yesterday. I didn't get a chance to go out and rake the flower beds though. I had another session of the "design as you go" quilt class in the morning, and while eating a late lunch the physical therapist for my mother called to see if we could come at 2 instead of 4 for her whirlpool treatment. I didn't get home until 3:30 from that and then I remembered I had computer club at 7 so I really didn't want to change into my grubbies and then change again. I also had to go pick up supper for my parents because we had planned that when the appt. was supposed to be at 4 and they were really planning on it.

Today I need to start cutting and edge finishing 175 squares of white PFD fabric for some elementary school art sessions that I will be doing next Wed. and Thurs. They will be drawing on the fabric with crayons so I need to iron freezer paper onto the back of each 11" square. I did this project last year and we ordered special fabric crayons but they were so greasy and messy that I decided to have them use regular crayons this year. There was an article in Quilter's Newsletter in June, 2003 about this. Have any of you readers used crayons on fabric and have any tips for me?

Friends, my title today, refers to all of you readers too. It is so wonderful to get the feedback through your comments about my posts. Doing a blog entry every day is kind of like writing a column for a newspaper. You really never know how many people read it or what they think about what you wrote. With the newspaper you might have to wait for the letters to the editor for any feedback where with the blog, within a few hours helpful feedback is there. Most of us are a little isolated by the fact that our neighbors don't understand why we are making another quilt where you readers all understand it (and want me to make more). Thank you a million times.