Rainy Day

It is gloomy and rainy today and guess what, they are predicting snow again. It was in the 50's overnight so a lot has melted and grass patches are showing. Snow is predicted 5 days this week but it sounds like flurries to 1" on most of the days. It all depends on how the storm tracks.

I continued trying to clean off the tables in my studio yesterday and didn't do any sewing. This is one of the groups of fabric on my table. I think I like them together just because it says "spring flowers". I don't have any real plans for them right now.
I'm off to get my parents' and my taxes done this morning. The govt. is starting to moan already that we might not spend the federal rebate check on purchasing, that we might spend it on bills instead. The "big shots" in DC just don't have a clue about the situations the lower middle class are in. They have never had to decide whether they go out to lunch or pay the electric bill. Rant done!

My mother has 4 dr. appts. Mon. - Wed. so we may get some answers on some of her problems. I will get some sewing done today with a couple friends. I can feel the stress leaving my shoulders already.