More old pictures

This is a photo of a photo in a scrapbook my mother made for me. When my parents were getting ready to move to Wisconsin, Mother decided that they didn't need to take all of the duplicates of pictures they owned. She made a scrapbook for each of us 3 kids and put in a variety of old and new.

This is my favorite great-aunt and great-uncle. She is my grandma's sister and he is my grandpa's brother. They never had any children so they spent time with nieces and nephews. She was handy with needlework although I never saw her do any. When she died they gave me all of her needles, thread, misc, and a candy box full of glass seed beads since I was the only person in the family who sewed. My uncle was a joker and loved to tease and tell jokes. He had a poker straight face so you never really knew whether he was joking or not, until he laughed.
The picture below is my dad (on the right) and his 2 brothers and my aunt and her 2 sisters. This was my oldest uncle and youngest aunt on their wedding day in the early 1940's. I don't know who the kids are. My dad is the only adult in the picture who is still living and he is 93 now.
Here is a another photo of a photo from the scrapbook. It is me with a doll. I don't remember the doll so it probably was worn out and thrown away. When I was a little older we had the dolls with the cloth bodies and plaster heads. My older brother would take them out and smash their heads on the sidewalk. He wasn't especially mean, I think he was just fascinated by the breaking plaster. I don't have any dolls from my childhood but I have 2 little 4-5" dolls of my mother's from her early years.