More County Fair

Yesterday morning I had 2 hours to spare before I had to take my Mother to her monthly eye appointment 35 miles away. It was early in the morning so I was able to get up to the railing to take pictures without people in the way.
A lot of people enter their flower arrangements.
This view is looking at the Ladies Arts building which houses most of the needlework and all of the food entries. Our fair association puts most of the money from the fair back into upkeep. We have mostly blacktop paths all through the grounds for easy walking.
The small needlework items are on tables down the center of the building.
I have one more group of pictures to post tomorrow. I hope I don't discourage people with slow internet (phone line) with the longer upload time for of all of my pictures. I am so used to having high speed internet at this point that I sometimes forget that not everyone has it available to them. I love reading other blogs that have lots of pictures.