Experiencing Color Combinations

In January, 2004 I offered my art quilter's group a color study opportunity. We started out with purple and yellow, opposites on the color wheel, and one of my favorite combinations. I asked them to pick a block that they would be making, over and over again, with several different color combinations throughout the study. I emphasized that a simpler block would be a better choice. I chose Sisters Choice. I used as many variations of purple and yellow as I could find in my fabric collection. Some were hand dyed, some commercial, some batiks, some regular fabrics. I used several values of each color. I told them to also make one block of all yellow and one of all purple to experiment with values. I couldn't hold myself back on the scraps from piecing, I had to make a few crazy pieced blocks. I haven't made them into a quilt yet. Maybe I need some more blocks, maybe every other block needs to be a spacer block with a simpler design. After all it has only been 3 3/4 years, lets not rush it now!
In case you think I may run out of quilt pictures to post, these are the boxes containing quilt tops waiting to be quilted. They are stored under my pool table/cutting table in my basement studio area. I am trying to finish as many as possible. I have given away and sold some that I didn't feel the need to finish.