Who made this???

I had a friend named Jane who lived in my neighborhood. I met her when she owned the health food store in town. She loved primitives and most of the things she made were subjected to coffee grounds and tea dyeing. We ended up starting a group at the store I worked at and it was called Noah and Friends. We were heavily into the Red Wagon books and their wonderful quilts. I started making one like one in a book and decided it would be all hand appliqued and hand quilted. It had 3 cornstalks; after appliqueing awhile I decided one was just fine. I added the moon and stars to mine and then Jane convinced me there should be an evil eye to keep away the evil spirits so there it is on the bottom right corner. I wanted my quilting to be very primitive and uneven and also wanted the corners of the binding to curve as if I hadn't learned how to do mitered corners.
A close up of my uneven quilting and the evil eye.