Purple and Orange

One of my favorite books is "Tradition with a Twist" by Blanche Young and DaleneYoung Stone. I started out with Blanche's Trip Around the World book in the early 1980's and met her later at a guild meeting. She was full of energy and new ideas and shortcuts for making quilts. One of the quilts in this book that grabbed my attention right away was Diamondback Scrap. The picture of it on the back cover, with the orange chair in front of just made me want to make it. Now I have to admit it was the color combination that grabbed me, and yes I like the graphic design (reminds me of argyle socks) but I wasn't crazy about the construction. I made a big enough sample to get a class going on it but I never finished it. Finally a few years ago, I just decided to finish it the size it was, not to make it into a bed sized quilt. It is still waiting to be basted and quilted (next on my list). However I had a pile of 9 patches already made and lots of strips cut so, I had LEFTOVERS, my favorite thing. I started playing with them and this is the resulting leftover quilt, which is finished.
I was so sure mine looked like the one in the book and a friend told me I had better get the book out and take another look. Yes, my colors are brighter, more intense, more exuberant.