Going back in time......

Way back in the early 1990's I bought some of Melody's hand dyed fabrics because I just loved certain spots in them. I told her one day that I felt like just cutting those places out and preserving them. She challenged me, "Do it". I put the pieces up on my design wall and pretty soon they were working together and I was ready to make something. I love stained glass windows and the Prairie style architecture so I just started playing and this is what I made. These pictures are more slides converted to digitals, so I don't think the color is just perfect. I think the yellow area was really more of a greenish yellow. Melody, Ann Fahl and I entered our pieces in a gallery show about 60 miles away. Some of the others entering the show were art quilters from across the US whose names became familiar in later years as their careers blossomed.
I think this was the first time I was in a gallery show so I was surprised that one of my other wallhangings won an honorable mention and this piece was sold at the show.
I think I want to revisit my box of Melody fabrics and do something like this again.
I especially like this red and green patch.