15 more blocks, 33 total..................

It was another beautiful day to work outside yesterday.  I did more planting and weed control.

Last night I sewed 15 more blocks.  I was pretty tired when I finished them so I just plopped them up on the design wall in no particular order.  I'm ready to move them to a double design wall and get serious this weekend.  The humidity is supposed to creep back in to go along with the 90+ degree days.  That means staying inside and sewing for me. 

This group of fabrics is all by one designer, Keiko Goke, over several years.  Her designs look like they were drawn with chalk or crayons.  I like it when a designer stays with colors that work well together from year to year because it takes several years to have enough variety for an interesting quilt.  I'm sure some of you are thinking 3 to 5 different fabrics is enough variety to make a quilt but I'm always thinking 25 to 100 different fabrics (or more) in a quilt.