I did it......#4 top has its borders.....

I worked on the borders for several hours yesterday afternoon and got them all sewn on.  I removed the prints that looked like solids and cut a few new pieces.  On the top and bottom there is a strip of just one print 2" wide.  The borders increased the width of the quilt by 9" and the length by 4".
Here are the 2 side borders for one last audition before I sewed them on.  You can see the fabrics easier here than when they are blending into and extending the dark value area when they are sewn on.  A couple people thought I shouldn't put a border on but it needed extra width.  As far as it looking like a border, I wanted it to look like an extension of value not a distinct border when finished.
This shot gives you more of a perspective of the size.  The length was already 96" but the width was only 62".  Now it is 100" x 71.5".  I had to work with it horizontally when designing the border and rotated the photos for the 2 shots above.

So.......I have put borders on 4 quilt tops already this month.  I have several more that need them.....can I keep going?