Blank design walls.......

First thing yesterday morning I took this photo while the light was good in the living room.  I love these 2 tone cactus blooms.  They are the largest blooms of all of my plants.

Then....I went down to the basement.  Blank design walls so no photos.  I purchased 4 new foam insulation boards for design walls, this time 1 1/2" thick.  The 1" that I had been using is too flexible since mine are leaning against the pipes across the basement ceiling, not mounted on a wall.  I took the flannel off 4 design walls and washed it as well as a new piece of 108" wide flannel.  I taped two 1" boards together to make 2" thick walls (two sets of them) and then started pinning the flannel back on all 6 of the foam boards.  I now have 4 double design walls and 2 single walls in the basement and I carried one single wall up to my main floor studio.  Wrestling those 4' x 7' sheets was exhausting!