
My green scraps weren't long enough for the next rounds on the sunshine/rainbow piece so I pulled candidates off the shelves of my stash.  I didn't consider any batiks this time.

Then I pinned them up on the wall where I thought they might go and took a photo of them.

I imported the photo into my computer and used the software that came with my Canon camera to crop the yardage so I was just seeing strips.  I may reconsider on a couple of the really dark greens and then I'll start cutting.

In my front garden everything is growing together.  The balloon flowers started out about 18" away from this Husker Red Penstemon.  The Evening Primrose just travels underground everywhere so some of that is in there as well as the Coral Bell plant reaching out to the sides.  I hesitate to dig it all up and try to untangle it.  Balloon flowers don't like to be transplanted according the my perennial book.  They do however reseed wherever they want.