
The day started out OK, talking with friends at our twice monthly sewing session.  I took my yo-yo makers along again and made 15 new ones.  NO plan in mind, just busy work.

Last night I spent over 2 hours trying to put my Boston Commons tutorial in my blog.  I used to be able to copy a Word document and paste it into my post.  With the new version of Word, none of the photos are there.  That means I will have to put in each photo and resize it all over again.  I tried Windows Live Writer, same thing, no photos.  I can't figure out any way to attach a PDF file to my blog either.  It makes me wish I didn't create it in Word.  Can anyone help me?  I don't know a thing about HTML so I can't do it that way.

My other frustration, more commenters that are NO REPLY.
I hate to tell all of you that are using Google + that you are NO REPLY.  Also a bunch more of you have a Blogger accounts but you have not checked the box by Show my Email, and then scroll down and SAVE.  Why am I telling you this?  Because you are signing up for giveaways on lots of blogs and you will never have a chance of winning because you can't be contacted.  I feel bad about this.  I want you to have a chance.  Seven more NO REPLY people today with no email in their comment.  Giveaway ends tonight at 10 p.m CST.  See post from 2 days ago if you haven't entered.