The next step.....

I finished sewing the 5 stratas.  Here they are ready to go to the ironing board.  I'm not pressing the way the pattern says.  I have done enough trip around the world type quilts to know some shortcuts.
I pressed the seams and then sliced the stratas into strips.  In this pattern you do not make it into a tube.  The stratas are flat when you cut them.
In this photo I'm not done picking the stratas into segments.  The piece on the left (which there are 2 pieces in each pile) goes to one quilt and the pieces on the right go to the other quilt.  The layout sheet for the quilts is laying on the table.  One will be Grandmother's Dream and the other Boston Commons.
In this photo I have all of these 4 quarters picked apart and they are ready to sew.  There are 2 piles of 2 idential quarters.
I started sewing 2 identical quarters but it was getting late so I'll finish them today.  One quilt will have the purple in the center and the other will have the magenta in the center.
I started raking the back garden yesterday afternoon and I need to get out and work on it again today.  I don't rake it pristine clean, just enough leaf removal for the sunshine to get to the plants that will start growing soon.  The rest of the leaves turn to compost.