Rain, rain, go away............

Looking to the north from my kitchen window, the corner of my yard and the neighbor's garage.
Looking at my south neighbor's back yard.  They are comparing this to the 100 year rain we got in 1996.  I am nowhere near any creek or river and I live on the high end of town.  There was 4-6" of rain in the last 24 hours on top of the several days of rain we had already had.  AND....it isn't over, still raining but gentle rain at the moment.
I had water in my basement from the window wells. Because of my medical problems last fall I didn't have the gutters cleaned out so the rain comes straight off the roof like a waterfall and filled the window wells which then leak into the basement.  I am sopping up, spinning out, drying, and then repeat, repeat.  I'm sure the people on the south end of town might have more problems than I have.  Mine is just large puddles, not standing water.  Lots of soaked up area rugs that I will have to decide if I can salvage.