More planning needed.......

I didn't realize until I started trimming the papers that there are 3 different shaped blocks in this pattern.  That means I will have to plan where all of the fabrics are going to go before I piece any more.  I didn't notice that the black strip was slanted between the 2 side by side blocks when I first looked at this.  Block one is done so now I'm familiar with the method in this pattern.

My son came by yesterday and picked up the rugs that I couldn't salvage.  I decided to throw away one more than I originally planned.  The basement smells a lot better now.  Since I had to move all of my design walls I have exposed several boxes of 'miscellaneous' that I need to go through.  It is time to get tough and throw out useless things that I have saved for years.  Not. a. fun. chore.....