3 more layouts...........

This layout is the reverse of the colors in yesterday's post for quilt number two.  I have had inquiries about the pattern.  It is a combination of 2 patterns plus my own methods added.  I was first introduced to this 2 quilt pattern by Marilyn Doheny in the early 1990s so I have notes from that class as well as a more current pattern.  Then I have changed all of the things that I teach in my Trip Around the World classes that make the construction easier.  Maybe I can do a tutorial later.
This layout has three extra rows inserted to make into the Boston Commons version.
This is the reverse color sequence in the rectangular version.  I will sew this one in this version.  I have enough leftover strata cuts to add 2 rows to the other one so they can both be rectangles if I decide I want them to be.  I have church sewing circle this afternoon and several errands to run so I'll see if I have enough energy to get one of them sewn together tonight. 
Several people have asked how I get the seams to match so well on this project.  You MUST cut straight and sew straight in the stratas to get the seams to match.  Sew all of the stratas on the same sewing machine.  I always told my students to sew at the pace that they can make straight seams, no faster.  Also having the area around the machine the same height as the bed of the machine makes a huge difference.  If you don't have your machine in a cabinet or have a Plexiglas type table to fit around it, build up the area with magazines or books in back so the stitched fabric flows straight out, not dropping over the back edge.  I like the area in front at the same level as the machine too.  My accuracy improved dramatically with a level surface around my machine.  Also there are seams every 2.5" to match. You need to stretch or ease if necessary and MAKE them match.  If one doesn't match exactly but the next one does, I'll let it be off a little, but if the next one doesn't match either you need to analyze your problem.