Four more...........

I looked for backings for 2 of the 3 flannel quilts yesterday but couldn't find any one piece large enough for either of them.  I have found 2 pieces that don't look too bad together that I can use on one of the quilts but I couldn't make a decision on anything for the other one.  I already have the backing chosen for the star flannel quilt.  Last night I made 4 more blocks and I'm not too excited about this in batiks.  I have seen the quilts with this block done in bright prints, with lots of polka dots and other fun fabrics and also one in all Kaffe fabrics.  I think I might just stop at 9 batik blocks and make a small wallhanging or baby quilt and start another in other fabrics.  Meanwhile I should start quilting the flannel quilts.
I saw a whole flock of robins in the front yard a few days ago.  This one landed among the sparrows eating birdseed off the ground.  I didn't think robins were seed eaters but he looked like he was eating with them.  I suppose it could be bugs on the ground that he is after.  We had snow flurries yesterday that covered the ground and then it warmed up a little and most of it melted.  Spring is here!